I'll carry this burden always
The woman's rapidy disappearing sanity was a fragile thing held on only by the thinnest of threads and the smallest glimmers of hope. As Giuseppe began to come to wakefullness she could feel small chips of that sanity being hammered away by the chisel and mallet that was her life, always she would be burdened with horror and sadness, haunted by that grief that poured through her veins. Watching the brown coydog's face first blossom into joy at the sight of his one living child only to then notice the ill state of him and the blanket filled with death and fall into despair only served to unravel her furthur, pulling at a chain that was as close to snapping as could be, the damaged and broken girl was holding on by her claws, only just.

Her name was whispered and at it's sound her overly large coyote ears pulled back flush against her head, melding with the fur there. She handed over the son that would not be with them for any great length of time, this she already knew. His heart beat too slowly and he didn't take enough breaths with every minute that passed for him to survive his first few days, he would be lucky to outlast the week. With nothing to holf now her hands were empty like the gaping wound inside of her heart, at least she knew Giuseppe would not put her through any more heartbreak, she could see from his face. She reached into the blanket besides her, careful not to reveal the black and white half growns that resembled his brother and were dwarfed by thier tiny grown cousins and half siblings. And out she pulled the brown girl, now as cold and still as the stone around them, her voice was choked as though someone had a dfeath grip upon her throat,

"She is yours too. I gave them names, all of them."

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