There's a reckoning still to be reckoned
Don't worry about it, I worry that my own posts are far too excessively long sometimes XD And that would be rather cool Smile

The sable mother was getting increasingly worn down and exhausted by the war, she did not sleep well at all anymore, in fact she was usually padding around the lands at this hour, stalking the borders constantly, making sure that their home was safe, she had even stalked around the house more than once, locking doors and closing windows, making sure that the other wolves in the pack would be able to sleep soundly in their beds, knowing that they would be safe. She had not intended to become a one wolf pack protector, but some how it had happened. The Marino male looked at her and spoke and a smile tugged at the corner of the ebony Aedile's lips, the words were comforting and gave her hope, it was true that the whole pack were in this together. Although that was a saddening thought, it was also a good thing, the whole pack were united as one, they would outnumber the horrid wolves sooner or later and then they would finally be able to put an end to the savage rule of the cruel Alpha of Aniwaya. The sable female nodded.
"Yes, I am sure we will all get through this together and come out the other side stronger and better wolves for it. Hopefully it will end soon and we will be able to move on with our lives. At least we know that all of the pack will stand together. It gives me courage to know that at least the strength of the whole pack is together on this issue." The dark pelted female replied with a smile, looking at the Marino male, her tone was as honest as always, she was the kind of wolf who tried to be as honest as she possibly could be. The male said that the idea of going off on a solo rescue mission had crossed his mind a few times, the truth was that it was tantamount to suicide, the sable female realised that now, but at the time the fury that had been boiling in the pit of her stomach had clouded her judgement, she had been single minded, entirely focused on the idea of getting Cambria back. She supposed that she should have been grateful to the cruel mistress of fate, she had lead Robin to the Aniwayan borders and had stopped the sable female being killed, for that was what she would have been had Robin not turned up. The dark pelted female had received a small injury compared to having her life ended, really she was incredibly lucky.
"I don't think that you should attempt to go alone Ehno, I know that I am hardly one to speak, but I don't think your sister's heart would take another blow, the risk of you dying is too high." The sable female replied, feeling a little hypocritical handing out the advice that she was.

The female smiled as the male thanked her, it was a weary smile, but at least it was a genuine one, a smile was not something that was present on the dark female's face very often at the moment, at least not a genuine one, the stress of the war pulling her face into a worried frown far more easily than it created a smile. She knew that the male must have been going through an awful time, to lose and niece and nephew to the other pack must have been terrible, she herself was not blood related to Cambria and was going out of her mind with worry for the young girl, she could not even begin to imagine what Ehno was feeling. The male replied to her comment about fate with a bitter sounding laugh, Soran understood what he was feeling as well. Fate was indeed a cruel mistress, some days it seemed that she only gave wolves happiness so that the misery would be all the more potent when it was all taken away from them. That was often how Soran had felt when she had found herself in her darkest times, it always seemed that everything would get a lot worse before it got better; there would be a terrible tragedy, such as Summer's death, then there would be a further horrendous thing, like when Soran had discovered that she was pregnant by her mate's murderer. Hopefully fate would be tired of seeing the wolves squirm and give them something that might bring a little happiness into their lives.
"Hopefully she will change her tactics sooner or later, I think we are all more than deserving of some happiness." The black pelted female replied, giving a soft sigh and rubbing her good hand across her weary face. The male then seemed to perk up as they spoke of the wolves that he had travelled with and Soran's own former leaders, she smiled as well, perking up, the happier subjects were just what the pair needed no doubt, to be carefree and happy just for a moment. She laughed a little as she male said that his friends would have gotten on well with Rurik.
"Oh indeed I do think that they would have gotten on very well," Soran replied with a laugh. The male explained what he had been doing with the sailors and the sable female nodded as she listened.
"What work were you doing with them?" Soran asked, suddenly curious about what kind of work sailor wolves found themselves doing.

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