A brand new hook to hang your hat
With the warm welcome Terra shifted back into her lupine form. Bounding forward she stopped at the foot of the rock. Tail thumping eagerly she grinned up. I'm Terra. What is that you're playing? It's very beautiful. The old wolf was obviously quite friendly, so Terra felt perfectly fine asking her questions. Rolling over she laughed at the sight of the leaves falling down. It was her second autumn, and seemed even more beautiful to her than her first, not that she remembered it well.

Carefully so she wouldn't hurt the old wolf Terra clambered up beside her. Calmly she looked across the lands. It was nice to be invited into a new pack area, but she was still feeling too relaxed to explore. The weather was just perfect for lying there. Ears pricked forward Terra studied her new friend. She seemed very wise, and was just perfect for such a day like this.

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