Silent Serenity
The storm had come out of nowhere. Rain had actually left his den early in the morning, before Sam could wake and tell him to stay, so he could hunt. He had taken his bow and a few arrows and left, finding a elk not too far from the caves. He tracked it for most the morning, intent on taking down the large beast. He had notched a arrow and struck the elk though the shoulder, killing it instantly. He had cut the elk into smaller easily carried pieces that he put in his sac to carry back

On his way back with the kill, a storm started to come in. Rain and wind started out of nowhere and Rain was almost forced to leave the elk. He was close to the caves and had decided to run the rest of the way as the rain picked up and soaked him to the bone. He had taken the elk meat to the den, finding Sam wasn't there but she had left a fire going. His first thoughts were to take care of the meat then dry off and so he set to work on the elk, preserving the meat before he did anything else. It took him hours to skin and put the meat in strips over the numerous fires he kept going for his carving and furs. After he had finished making sure the meat was ok he left the den and walked outside into the rain to wash the blood of his grey white fur. After making sure it was all off he went inside and shook himself off, going to the den and getting one of his bathing furs and drying himself off before looking for Sam. He didn't have to go far, finding her in the dining area of the caves, close to a fire. She had one of his thicker blankets wrapped around her and he could tell she shivered even though she was covered by the fur. He sat down next to her and licked her softly before pulling her close. She was always so cold to him and he worried that the up coming winter would make her sick because her fur was so thin. She normally slept right up against him, if not on him to keep warm at night. "Your so cold baby girl. I hope you don't get sick. Sorry I am late. I got caught in the storm," he said licking Sam again.

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