[M] There's thunder in our hearts
ooc; apologies but I can't bring myself to write out Leon raping someone D:

Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me. Forgive me.... The only thoughts that crossed his mind were these ones, over and over, until they rang so sharply that it was like splinters of ice plunging into his conciousness. The wench need not hate him for this act of depravity and humiliation, he already hated himself several times over whatever she could conjure up, one of the few things he swore he would never do. Locked up in this never ending battle between the two minds inside the one body; one the lustful monster and the other, kind and gentle male.

But one will was stronger than the other and for as vibrant a personality he did have he was useless against his own mind, the thing he tried to keep hidden away inside of himself. Snowy eyes turned from thier blinding ivory visage to a lifeless and sickly almost translucent state. Blocked out from controlling his own actions the man faded away from behind those signature orbs and the monster replaced him. He raped the woman before him and his soul wept for her. Seed was released and control rushed back to him as quickly as it had vanished. As soon as he could the man tore himself away from her with a horrified cry and bolted from the room into the darkness of the tunnels.

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