Lean on Me



Her quiet voice, as docile as ever, let him know it was okay to enter. Opening the door the rest of the way the friendly giant walked in, his head only a foot or two from the ceiling. Her gentle smile reassured him that she was okay although the from the look of his grey leader ‘okay’ wouldn’t be your first thought. A look of concern fell across the warrior’s face as he placed the flowers on a near by table, mentally reminding himself to bring a vase into the room. Glancing over her bandages as he took a seat in the chair beside her he held back a grumble. She wasn’t in the condition he had been hoping she would be returned in however, it could have been much worse.

Shuffling in his chair to get more comfortable the Knight rested his hands on the edge of the bed, folded neatly. “Anu?” His voice was serious, something he rarely was around his nature-loving friend. She had been there for him in a couple of breakdowns over his life and he trusted her above all the others in the pack to give her opinion and advise. “Anu, I’m leaving.” He choked out quietly. Almost as soon as it was out he was double guessing himself. Maybe he should have waited until she was in a better condition. “After I’m sure everything has settled down I’m going to make my own pack. I’m going to train warriors to defend the packs, make sure that you don’t have to worry about getting hurt like this ever again. No one will.”

He had spent his left dedicating everything he had to protecting Crimson Dreams but now he wanted to take on the burden of protecting the packs from each other. Bright yellow eyes looked up to Anu’s blues with an unusual shyness. He hated telling his friend he was going, but he didn’t want to wait until the last minute and spring the information on her in a goodbye.


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