
He was pleased to see the woman begin to slowly lower her guard. His gaze lingered briefly on the glass shard clasped in her hand as it was lowered before returning to her features as she spoke. At last she realized that he waste time on idle chatter if he desired conflict. Ah, now they were getting somewhere. The willowy woman began a slow and steady move to his left, to which Dresden responded to by remaining just where he stood, following her only with his eyes. Let her get a good look and assess the threat he may pose. The warrior had learned through experience that when appearing as a threat, as little action as possible would sometimes be the best method of showing good intentions and garnering trust.

The husky listened in silence as she finally explained her story. A pack named Cour des Miracles. Hostages taken, alliances kept, and payments taken in blood. A sticky situation, to be sure, a plight not unfamiliar to the seasoned fighter. He certainly couldn’t blame her for her caution in such times. Enemies had a way of sneaking in just when you least expected them. “I see,” he said as her brief tale ended. “I am sorry to hear that lives have been lost over this. It is not an easy thing to endure." Experience told him this as well.


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