mmm, nuts (time warp)

He took big, determined steps, yet his large paws always seemed to be in the way. He was set on collecting a pile of acorns for him and Aiden to share, but whenever he started to get a decent pile going, he would trip and send the nuts rolling in all different directions. Poor Pilot, he just couldn’t figure out what he was going to do. He plopped his behind on the ground and glanced at the trees surrounding him. His brother would store his acorns in a hole in the tree so that he couldn’t loose them. What a great idea!

The pup picked up a few of the nuts in his teeth and wandered to the nearest trunk. Too bad there weren’t any holes! Now he was really in a fix. He dropped the acorns to the ground, letting them fall in a gleaming wet heap on the soft grass. Aiden would have thought of a way to solve this problem if he were here. But what was Pilot supposed to do?


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