It Wilted to the Owl's Cry
Shiloh watched as X'yrin insulted the bird. She felt the owl tighten its grip on her shoulder before taking flight and attacking X'yran with a woot of indignation. Shiloh watched as X'yrin ran after the bird and snapped at it, only to miss it by miles. Shiloh laughed as the woman chased the bird and got frustrated as the bird swooped and pecked at her ears. It wasn't until X'yrin shifted did Shiloh feel something was wrong. Shiloh stood as X'yrin ran after the animal, her anger written all over her face. "X'yrin, calm Dow...." she stopped midsentence as X'yrin slammed into her fragile frame, sending her flying. Shiloh yelped in pain as the two of them fell and rolled down the hill as the owl screeched over head.

When the two of them finally stopped Shiloh was crying. She had fallen hard in her ankle and had reburised it, making it hard to move off X'yrin. She scrambled to get off the woman, her tears falling hard as she sat and rubbed her ankle. The owl came back down and nipped her hand. She didn't understand what the bird wanted this time and she swiped at it, making it jump and take flight, leaving the females alone. Shiloh knew it would be back but for now she had to nurse her ankle again....

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