It Wilted to the Owl's Cry
Shiloh couldn't even think right though the pain that was flashing though her ankle. It was swelling but hadn't broken under X'yrin's great weight. She felt the alabaster woman, Kiara, lick her hand softly and whine in worry. Shiloh started to unwrap her ankle, too swollen to even move. She looked up as X'yrin came over, mumbling her apologizes asking if she could help her. Shiloh whimpered in pain and tried to stand,gingerly trying to stand on her ankle. It was way too swollen to even walk on and Shiloh stumbled into X'yrin, using the golden woman as a crutch. "I.... I h..hurts...I...I can't walk,"she whispered to X'yrin before sitting back down. She looked at Kiaraand gave her a weak smile. She was worried about her Shiloh knew and she wondered why Kiara didn't shift. It was the first time Shiloh had met someone that couldn't shift and she wondered what kept the girl from shifting. Kavi threatened to take over and Shiloh looked down as her eyes sparked from a light grass green to emerald as Kavi took over. "Who are you people? Why does my ankle hurt again!"she snarled at X'yrin. She looked from the golden wolf to the woman sitting next to her. What was going on?

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