Justice. [J]

Breaking post order, since Gunnar's more focused on making a good impression. xD Pulling out all the stops, here!

Word Count → 335

When it finally clicked that Fia was Jazper's daughter, Gunnar's mind took a step back for a moment. His smile faltered and his smooth talk vanished, clearly caught off guard. Shit. This looks bad, now. He buzzed like a mad man through his brain to find some sort of fix for his mistake.

Yes, he'd be loyal to the pack and everyone in it. Yes, he wanted to join for more than just Fia's sake; he wanted a home, a safe place to stay and a job to do to keep him busy. He wanted justice. That should've accounted for something, right?

Quick as ever to jump back into the saddle, Gunnar righted his expression and nodded. My apologies, sir. I suppose I came off as some lovesick teenager. I assure you, my intentions are for the well being of the pack. I'm more than willing to pledge my loyalty to you and the rest of Casa di Cavalieri. To make his point clear, he knelt down, ignoring the protesting pain in his right leg as he did so.

Please, sir. I have no home to return to, no family. I only wish to be a part of something great. To preserve justice and peace where chaos lies. He was pulling out all the stops for this. I assure you, I protect my comrades with my very life. Absolute honesty, mind you, his eyes flicked over to Fia for a moment. Granted, it was a touch dramatic, even for Gunnar, but the boy was more than willing to kiss the man's feet should it prove him loyal and worth the chance.

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