[M] Battered, beaten, but not broken.
OOC herpderp? / +276

Kostya awoke to the odd sensation of something soft moving across his face. Staying still for a second he tried to gather his senses, the after effect of the fall and the remnants of the alcohol he had drunk doing a magnificent job in opposing this endeavour. Eventually he managed to place the sensation as somebody licking him.

With a groan Kostya opened his eyes to see what was going on. He found himself face to face with a reddish coloured wolf. Normally waking up with a strange wolf hovering over him would be more of a shock, but between the alcohol and the blood loss he found himself pretty apathetic to the situation.

Looking around further he saw, to his surprise that he was NOT in the hollow where he normally slept, rather than the roots of an overhanging tree he could only see rock above him and to one side. Looking to his side he summarised that he was under an outcropping, though how he got there or who this stranger might be slipped his mind.

Concerned about his loss of memory Kostya began to sit up, speaking as he did so, "Who are y-" his sentence cut off into a low cry of pain as the wounds on his chest made themselves known at his movement. As Kostya sat looking dumbly down at his blood covered torso and the scratches that adorned it the entire night started rushing back to him. His nightmare, the drinking and finally attacking the bear.

With a despairing woof Kostya flopped back down onto his back, staring blankly at the rocky ceiling above him.

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