his reflection
Sorry for the slight GMing – let me know if it’s too much and I can change it Smile

Shandom chuckled at her little stab at his original sharpness, and rolled his eyes. I promise, I am not typically so unfriendly. You are lucky to have had so much interaction with our fellow pack members – perhaps, when we return, you could introduce me to a few? His question was tentative and hopeful, and he gave her a small, shy smile as the pair strolled leisurely along the beach. The salty, tangy air was sharp in his nose; it sent a shiver along his spine and caused the hairs to lift on the nape of his neck. It wasn’t an unpleasant sensation, simply…. Unfamiliar. That was the appropriate word for this whole afternoon. It was not unpleasant, but instead entirely unfamiliar; it could therefore not be entirely lovely either. But still, Shandom could appreciate the idea of having Terra as a friend. She seemed far more gregarious than he, and would probably be a wonderful ally when it came to attempting to rise through the Cours des Miracles ranks and make an actual name of himself.

He realized he hadn’t answered her question about whether or not he was a Luperci, and chuckled. Yes, I am a Luperci, though I find the whole virus still strange. I sometimes question whether or not I should have allowed myself to be turned. Shandom’s thoughts inevitably turned to Tourniquet, and he bestowed a small smile on the pleasant memory. It was out of necessity that I was infected; to tell you the truth, I would have preferred to not have the ability to shift. I find it entirely unnatural. But the traveler who helped me survive the injury that scars my face encouraged me to shift; she said it would be easier for her to heal me. The male knew he was babbling, but he almost could not stop himself. It had been entirely too long since he had a real conversation with someone, and he found Terra easy to talk to. Perhaps it was her outgoing nature.

The sea tumbled near them, and Shandom found he loved the sound. More and more he was drawn to it, and his steps, though still firmly on the damp sand, grew closer to the water itself. He was a sure swimmer, but these waters looked so much more tulmultous than the placid rivers of Etienne. Have you ever swam, Miss Terra? Shandom inquired politely, eyes fully trained towards the sea.

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