[M]It Grew toward the Wild
He circled her again, unable to stay in one spot right now, slowly he was coming to the conclusion of just leaving her if she didn't know what he was meaning. But she didn't shy away from him, she held her ground, and he respected that about her, but her questions where almost laughable. He'd fought and killed strangers before, but she was right, he'd never mated a stranger he had fought before. But it still left a lot between them to figure out.

Stopping in front of her again, a little more on ease than he was previously he looked back at her, her eyes specifically.

“I've killed strangers before, and wolves I knew very well, so it means nothing to me to shed the blood of a stranger. But it does seem counter productive to mating, but I find females to be far less combative and remembering their manners than some cock sure young wolf, or yote high on newly acquired man hood ” he stood there for a moment letting that sink in. He also left the unspoken dance they seemed to be playing with words and body language alone for the time being.

“So what is it you crave?” his stomach rumbled then, completely ruining the stigma of his immortality just then, and an audible groan escaped his lips in comical fashion. He was running on empty and it had been awhile since he had hunted. His paw rubbed his stomach and as his head shook back and forth, stifling a laugh at the situation he found himself in. All bravado had washed from him as the gentler Saluce seemed to surge forth showing just how big of a big softy he really was at times.

“Excuse me, seems I've forgotten to eat”

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