[M]It Grew toward the Wild
Her reactions where different, she was turned off by his admission, he hadn't given any inflection of pride about his actions, just simply stating fact. He rarely killed unless he was pissed enough or the transgression bad enough but she didn't have to know that anyways. But her fiery personality was enough for him to grow more and more fond over.

While he stood there she had came right up to him and shifted right before his eyes, his own looking down at her now, cocking his head to the side. She was eager to hunt it seemed, more eager than he was anticipating, maybe she had been missing the hunt, maybe that's what had been eating at her. Removing ones self to long from the wild could do strange things to the mind.

He chuckled as he turned and walked to the horse, his hands starting to undo the plate bracers across his wrists and forearms. “I don't always lumber around in this armor,” his hands slowly started undoing his chest plate while assuming his company was still around.

“Scoping out Ichika, making sure your borders are Safe. Since Nayru, used to be my Pupil, I still feel obligated to silently watch out for her and my former comrades” he bent down to take the grieves off before finally freeing himself of the plate armor. His form stretched wide as arms went out to either side of him, bones popping before he let out a restless growl/huff and shook his head in a particularly wild fashion for someone still on two legs. Finally though he turned and let the shift take hold, falling to all fours his form, not loosing much mass at it rearranged sinew and bone.

Finished he shook his coat before stretching his paws out in front of his body, letting out a yawn. Finally he turned to the golden female, eyes looking over her beautiful coloration, saying nothing, but letting his tail wag slightly behind him as he approached her. Confident but not confrontational, he gave her a quick nip on her shoulder before taking off heading away from Ichika in search of something big enough to hunt.

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