[M]It Grew toward the Wild
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It was not hunger that drove her, but the desire to unleash her pent up energy. A spar would have done nicely for her but a hunt was much, much more rewarding. Nothing bested the surge of adrenaline that came from running down prey. The sheer terror that lit their eyes as death bore down on them with relentless tooth and claw. The fresh taste of first blood... not to ease hunger but to declare rite. The mark of the hunter; a bloodstained smile of satisfaction.

Then dinner sounded below them. X'yrin lowered herself to the ground alongside the eager wolf, visually devouring mounds of succulent meat from its tender hide. She turned to her circumstantial comrade, sharing the same hunger lust that consumed his gaze. She smiled to his questioning face. Anticipation nipped at her paws making them dance til she couldn't stand it anymore and forced herself to stand. She lowered her muzzle to roughly nudge her companion's thick shoulder to get him moving. Time was crucial now. As the seconds ticked by she felt granules of her composure slipping away to naught and pure desire threatened to overthrow caution and take her whole. She growled softly for his ears alone enough to convey her want for this kill and their urgent need to move.


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