[M]It Grew toward the Wild
The male moved swiftly, finding a path down the rocks and sparse foliage and into the forest again. He was keeping his nose close to the ground still, scoping out the surroundings, being cautious about being down wind from their prey. Saluce licked his lips as he paused a moment, eyes looking around, ears perked swiveling, listening for their prey since they had lost them visually since coming down from their vantage point.

The scent of the feuding males was thick in the air, along with the harem of does they where fighting over. The last thing he wanted was to inadvertently wander into the female harem and raise the alarm to the two bulls. He circled then, running at an angle with the wind, seeking to spy them visually, before advancing. Saluce was to focused on the hunt to notice his primal side surging forward, leading a hunt, hungry, he looked back to the female near him and urged her forward before he slipped through some brush to find the object of their hunt. The behemoth drooled again, so engrained the chase was into the hunt he could barely stand still, no there would be no tact today, they where both fast enough and big enough to chase and bring it down.

And out he went, trotting out in a wide circle, being careful to keep his form hidden in their preys small blind spot. Then just on cue the other bull charged and a great clash of antlers barraged his ears, he stood watching ears pulled against his head, lip slowly lifting upwards into a snarl, picking out the smaller of the two bulls. After all nature dictated the weakest to be thinned. He waited, knowing he'd see a golden blur before to long.

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