Out of Sync

Now that the water was boiling Jace added all the ingredients they had collected, including the vegetables, the innards of the grouse and the carcass as well. It would need to boil for a while but hopefully it should not take too long, if it did she may fall asleep before she had time to eat anything. She shook her head, floppy ears waving about to clear it slightly. Temo played with the fire, adding more wood for it to burn and poking it with a stick. Jace had built the fire pit from scratch on the floor of the living room kitchen combo, raised up from the wooden floor on blocks of brick and concrete so that it wouldn't set it on fire and burn their house down. Underneath those a large flame proof tarpaulin that Temo had found was stretched, stopping any ashes or stray cinders from slipping down. The fire itself was built on top of the blocks and was slightly raised up creating a rustic looking center piece.

She nodded affirmatively at his words and settled back onto the sofa next to him. The marrow within the bones of the grouse's carcass would melt into the water and create a nicely seasoned soupy stock for them to enjoy along with the meat and other ingredients. If they wanted they could eat the bones if not they could just leave them out for other animals to gnaw and chew on at their leisure. Unlike humans the wolves were not afraid of strange animals wandering about their gardens, together they made a formidable pair that could scare off most creatures if they needed to. But more in tune with nature they could sense when an animal was looking for a few scraps to eat or was honestly intent on causing trouble, a skill that humans had lost on their trip to technology and domination of the world.

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