I Dreamed a Dream
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The gentle knocked surprised the warrior, who quickly rose to his feet and walked over to the door. He stopped suddenly before he could reach for the handle. Fia. Although he loved his daughter dearly he really felt like being alone. The last person he wanted to see him hurting was his youngest. Hesitantly he opened the door, unsure of what to say or do. At this point all he could think about was his Ghita. How could she have hurt him so? After all he had done for her she had forced him out of his own home without a second thought. Pulling the door open with a large hand the giant looked down on his little Fia. She was so beautiful in her white coat. She reminded him of his birth mother really, small and white.

Immediately he could see that her eyes were watery and there was many emotions written all over her face. Releasing a sigh the father relaxed his body and moved forward, embracing the girl and dwarfing her in his arms. "Fia, Fia." He cooed as he would when she was tiny. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt his children, yet it was impossible to avoid. “You know when I was your age I went through a very similar thing with my adoptive parents splitting up.” Possibly unhelpful but he continued, “Sometimes two people can’t be together anymore but the last thing I want is for you and your siblings to dwell on it. We both love you very much and we always will.” Releasing the girl from his grasp the father gave Fia some space to breath. Yellow eyes looked down at her awaiting an answer, had he helped at all or only made things worse? Perhaps he should have listened to her concerns first? It was very much like him to jump the gun before listening.


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