A brand new hook to hang your hat
Happily Terra held the flute, turning it over in her hands. The metal was smooth to the touch, much nicer than she would have expected. She was happy to hold something so amazing. Studying it Terra saw the holes she had talked about. It was still odd to think about it making the noise she'd heard, but it was clearly true. Terra preferred singing though, as rough as it was with her mixed voice. She couldn't match the coyote's joyful songs as her voice tended to skip through the complex parts, and she fell apart when she tried to howl like a wolf.

I went west and explored the castle up there. I came through an area with lots of woods and rocky areas. There's lots of game and hiding places. It took a while, but I'm used to the traveling. In fact, it might take a while for me to adjust to not traveling! Terra laughed before handing it back. If your flute playing isn't perfect, what is? It truly sounded like the wind had grown a voice to her, making it difficult to picture something better.

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