Run to the hills

WC:3+ - LOL she is a spazz

Dixie was atop Duke’s back, riding away from the fort to go check the traps she had laid about the sparsely forested areas near the beach. Before she even got anywhere near her destination, the soft sound of a male’s howl carried to her little ears. Head snapping up, she tugged on Duke’s mane gently and tapped her left foot against his side, indicating that he should change direction. The stallion snorted and tossed his head a few times as he turned and began to trot in the direction of the sound, his ears pricked forward, trying to listen for any threatening sounds. What he heard instead, sounds from another horse, peaked his interest and he became more willing to keep moving forward.

It didn’t take very long for the pair to come into view of the gorgeous roan mare and the man standing with her. Dixie blew him off for a few moments to look over the horse, scanning her body for injuries. The mare was fine, it seemed, and she looked to be friendly enough with the male as well. Smiling now that she knew the horse was in good enough hands, the girl turned her head and looked over the man. Tall and muscular, perhaps a few years older than herself, looked excited and nervous altogether. As she got closer, she could smell the scent of another pack coming from him and tilted her head to the side. Why would he be out here checking them out?

When they were right on the other side of the border, Dixie slipped off of Duke’s back and let the stallion walk over to greet the mare in his own way. Standing there on the ground, it was clear just how tiny the girl really was compared to the man. For a few moments it looked as if she would have a severely displeased reaction to his presence… and then she grinned and bounced a little. Hi there! I’m Dixie-May…um…where you looking for something or someone? How can I help you? Ooh! Are you seeking to gain entry into Casa di Cavialeri? Her words came a mile a minute, little white body wiggling and bouncing around in her excitement. A new and prospective member! A possible new friend! What wasn’t exciting about that?!

Image courtesy of alpha du centaure@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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