All the things you didn't know
500 words.

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It was a weight off Hanna's shoulders that Mew appeared, also sporting her Luperci form, and laid a hand on her shoulder. She recognized Haku and was a bit unsurprised that the male was taking up a position of leadership within the pack. She was also unaffected by the announcement of her sister's departure. The female had not seemed happy when they'd last spoken privately, not including the point when they'd both been working over Mew, trying to save her and her pups. A hand looped around her niece's waist and a tender smile inched across her face. She gazed around the gathering as more wolves appeared, taking in each individual's expressions as they came up, and noted with a bit of despondency that her pack seemed to be pairing off. Haku and the new wolfess had eyes only for each other, a new male was curiously interested in Mew (a fact that made her a bit jealous and protective, causing her arm to draw in a bit tighter.)

Then the meeting officially began and Hanna trained her attention to Cercelee and to her nephew. Cer took care of the more boring things, announcing promotions and demotions --speaking of which, her rank had gone down-- and then turned the conversation over to Haku. The male spoke of the tensions between Inferni and Dahlia, and Hanna found herself nodding. It wasn't exactly a secret that the coyotes were hostile toward the wolves and vice versa. That was a fact that had been truth since Hanna had been young in Chimera and Clouded Tears, over in the old lands. She was shocked, however, that there had been bloodshed. That was not typically the way of the coyotes unless someone instigated it, and she let her glance rove over each of her packmates. No, none of them would have been likely to do something, she thought.

Once Haku was done, several of the others spoke, voicing questions and concerns to the leaders. WindSeeker asked about coyotes and hybrids not affiliated with the war-mongering Inferni clan, and Slay asked what Haku meant by 'standing up for themselves.' Hanna spoke, then, attempting to answer them. I would think that any coyotes or hybrids not directly affiliated with Inferni should be captured and taken as prisoners of war unless they can provide sufficient evidence that they are not going to retaliate against Dahlia. And I agree. We should stand up for ourselves and fight to the death if that's what must be done. We can no longer sit back and wait for our fates to come to us.

She continued on, gaining her feet. As a side note for those who are new to the pack, I am the pack's medic. If any of you gets hurt, or sees another wolf who's hurt, sing out and I'll be there as quickly as I can. She hoped that the pack would place their trust in her. She would see, she supposed, in the heat of battle. ... bottom.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 400px; height: 27px;"> 


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