[M] Battered, beaten, but not broken.
Terra giggled at the wolf's playful movements. I'm Terra. Well, I suppose it's not some kind of tribal rite then, though if there is one like that I'd love to find it. Grinning lopsidedly she looked outside. The rain was still heavy, making it too difficult to leave. Heat was starting to fill the small overhang as heat came off their bodies. She wouldn't mind sleeping here once she got some peace of mind.

If you want to fight a bear there's better ways to do it. I should know, stole their food all the time. Stealing from a bear was risky, but Terra had learned how to do it without getting injured. Kostya seemed like a nice enough wolf, but he didn't know a thing about bears. Then again, he'd admitted to being out of his mind. An insane wolf shouldn't be expected to know what to do.

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