Love is all, from what I've heard

ooc text.In optime form due to broken arm.

Amaranth Catori

She was tired she was sore and she had so much to do. She had left Niro alone at there sea side home to get things like fresh water and medical supplies. She was here in the hotel because her mom told her she left things that anyone could grab them. Amaranth sighed as she reached up trying to get something. "Stop freaking hurt!! She yelled at her arm as she grabbed the item.

Looking at her collection of things she smiled as she placed them one after the other into a bag. She had almost every thing she needed to take care of Niro. She would do anything for him and she would always care for him. raising her right arm she sighed it was all to weird not having the use of her left. Slowly day by day she could see a little better out of her damaged eye but she had a feeling she wouldn't gain back all her sight. She sighed oh well.

The voice of another in the hotel caused her to turn. "Hello?" she called lightly as she looked around a patch still on her left eye

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