[M] Battered, beaten, but not broken.

Between the lack of pain from his wounds and the fact his fur was starting to try out slightly Kostya was just starting to get comfortable, though he was looking forward to getting back to his den and relaxing. Feeling terra huddle into him slightly he turned and licked the smaller wolfs ear, Yeah, I'll be leaving bears alone from now on, especially tha' grumpy bugger up there, he was in a much better mood now and his tone was brighter. Speaking of brighter if he squinted he could just see a bit of moonlight breaking through the clouds off in the distance, though the rain was still going heavy around them

Looks like, touch wood, tha' rain is startin' ta break up over there. Tha's good, wasn' lookin' forward ta' getting my fur wet again, Kostya shifted his back, feeling the damp fur flop about but not moving it enough to shake the water everywhere he groused good anturedly, Ah' feel like I've been dragged through a swamp after being out in tha' rain an mud. Figuring that it would be a little while before the break in the clouds reached them he turned back to Terra, thinking that he might as well talk while he was waiting.

So, wha' brough' ya to be out here this time a' night an in this weather? Not complainin' o' course, i'd be in trouble without ya. Kostya racked his mind, trying to remember the conversations that had happened earlier when he was less coherent, Ya said soemthin' about Moonlightin', what did ya' mean by tha'?


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