[M] Battered, beaten, but not broken.
OOC: Wrap up soon? Don't know what else the two could do. If you have ideas...

Happily Terra trotted after Kostya. He was limping slightly, but otherwise seemed fine. The wounds would tear open if he exerted too much effort, though. She kept that in mind and didn't pounce on him as they left. The sky had cleared up beautifully, the stars glittering over head. She couldn't help but sing up at the sky, glad the rain was over. Her voice echoed through the small glen as they entered into the woods.

Terra thought about her strange new friend. His mind had cleared up, but obviously he was prone to bouts where he lost his mind and fought bears. He had mentioned that it was his second time getting beaten by one, and Kostya said he didn't usually hunt them. She'd have to watch out for her new friend, help keep her safe. Sniffing the air she began drooling when she smelled the meat.

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