[M] Battered, beaten, but not broken.
OOC: Yeah, probably want to wrap this up soon. Fancy having the two meet up again in another thread when Kostya has had a little while to heal? It would be nice to get Kostya an actual friend he sees more than on‌ce =p



Kostya walked happily through the forest, watching as the moon and stars started to pop into existence in the sky as the cloud cover began to break up. After the heavy rain that had come this was a beautiful sight to him, and Terra apparently agreed as she began to sing. Joining his voice with hers Kostya continued to lead the way through the forest, slowly becoming for confident as he made his way back to familiar grounds. The nearly two mile journey didn’t seem half as long and soon he was nearly home.

It was the smell that struck him first, the scent of fresh meat from his recent catch coupled with his own scent, accumulated over the weeks he had been living there, it was a familiar and comforting smell, the smell of home. Speeding up slightly Ksotya made his way through a bush and into the clearing that houses his home.

Kostya had been lucky finding his den. It was located a hollow formed under a large and ancient oak tree where the earth had worn away. The roots almost directly under the trees trunk actually made up the roof of a good part of the den. Padding gratefully onto the soft moss floor Kostya flicked his tail towards a area where the moss was thick, "Make yerself at 'ome, i'll go get us somethin' ta' eat."

Kostya made his way to a small hole he had hollowed out where he stored his food and belongings. With an annoyed snort he kicked aside an empty vodka bottle that was lieing on the floor, ignoring it as it smashed against a rock. He reached into a small shelf dug into the earthen wall and pulled out a decent sized chunk of deer meat which he carried over to Terra. "'Ere we go, only caught it yesterday so it's nice an fresh." he said, plopping the meat down in front of Terra and settling down beside her.

Image courtesy of madamem@deviantart; Table by the Mentors!

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