[M] Battered, beaten, but not broken.
OOC: Sounds great! Kostya's an interesting character. They could cause a lot of trouble together.

Terra pricked her ears when Kostya joined in. His voice was smooth compared to the jolts in hers, but together it entwined through the sky. She couldn't be happier at the moment, feeling much better about the night. She wasn't cold anymore, and she'd met someone interesting. It'd be good if they could meet up again. Happily she tucked in, breathing in the scent of the area. Kostya had obviously made this area his private den, which showed a lot of trust. Terra would never willingly reveal her den to somebody that she didn't trust.

The meal was good, but it was time for her to return. Crossing the table Terra licked Kostya's face, thanking him for the meal. We'll have to do this again sometime. Well, preferably without the rain and wounds. Laughing softly Terra turned to head back to her home in the territory. Staying up so late had her exhausted, and she was looking forward to her own den.

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