War Wounds
Wheatley was starting to feel better. slight twinge of the nausea remained, but that didn't matter. He turned suddenly as laughter sounded close by. Now on edge, he stood up, ready to defend himself if he needed to. Wheatley the spotted a face peering round one of the trunks. He blinked, and it was gone. Shaking his head, he seating himself again. "Must be seeing things..." he muttered. Blue eyes looked around, hoping he really was just seeing things, and it wasn't some kind of predator.

Wheatley was caught off guard by the luperci suddenly jumping from the trees, and grabbing him. Wheatley was not in a good position to escape. He did hear her comment of 'caught you' and he was surprised. Was she playing a game? Wheatley tried to untangle the confused mess in his mind, trying to quickly arrange the facts. He was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. "Er... you caught me, but would you mind getting off? Your squashing my paw." Wheatley said, now seeing the point in the game.

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