Medic Please

ooc: I didn't actually write 400 words in 4 minutes. LOL I had most of the post already written up. xP (429 words)

He had expected her reaction to be similar to what it was and when she lashed at him, he managed to dodge just in time. “I'm sorry – I told you it was going to hurt.” he told her, his eyes moving to meet hers for a moment before he glanced down at her injury again. Without thinking, a reassuring hand went and touched her shoulder lightly before he went back to concentrate fully on her injury.

Liam sighed. “I'm sorry.” he repeated, his voice but a murmur as he continued dabbing at the wound, cleaning it as much as he could. It looked so much better than when he'd first seen it. It had first appeared to be developing some kind of icky green substance around it but now it was a pinkish red hole that, given the proper healing time, shouldn't give her too big of a scar – that was if it gave her one in the first place. When she licked his cheek, he would have turned bright red if it wasn't for the fur covering his skin. “It's no problem... You'll need to come back and find me in a couple days though so I can check it out again.” Liam told her as he wrapped the gauze around her leg, making sure it was wrapped up tight and secure, yet without disabling her from moving altogether. She would definitely be sore for a couple days but she would still be able to walk; maybe if she had some kind of support – like a stick or something. “You may want to use something to lean on while you heal – like a crutch. Also, I highly recommend that you don't shift from one form to another because A) it's highly painful and B) it can screw up your healing process and do more harm than good.” he told her. Especially since she wasn't as experienced with shifting as the rest of the pack here was.

Liam himself had had a hard time shifting following the war – it had been beyond painful, his already aching, wounded limbs cracking and molding – shifting into a different form. He was experienced, having learned at a young age and having shifted from his lupus form to his Optime one over and over for the last couple months. He had a lot of practice compared to Terra so of course he was going to advise her not to shift. It had hurt him like hell, it was bound to be worse for her.

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Table by Kit.

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