Riches and Wonders

ooc; i'm a bit late XD holy crap XD i cant believe i just farted all of this out o.o WC; 1171

It had been a while since she had first put forwards the idea of a dual party to Noah but eventually they had gotten things sorted out. Nayru, bless the dual toned woman's soul, had gone to great lengths to decorate an old church that was nearby to Jace and Temo's house and provide them with food for the party. She had already thanked the woman countless times although the Jiryu proceeded to wave it all off as her duty. On top of that the amazing super woman as Jace liked to call her had presented them with gifts for the children to play with, Jace would be forever grateful. She nodded at her words, soon her stomach would be on display for all of Ichika so gawp at, her lips twitched in amusement. She accepted Rendall's hug with a gracious smile,

"Congratulations to you two as well, it's not every day you get mated to the man you love" Her own mateship ceremony had lacked anything in the way or a party or even people present but theirs had been personal on a level that was unimaginable. Rendall fell back as Nayru presented gifts to she and Noah as well. Jace had thought for a long time about her gifts, it was something very dear to her that she was willing to part with for something so special, her brother was getting married, there was no greater moment than this one.

She had been about to present them when their eccentric second leader made in an appearance along with Wretch behind him, the crazy man with his loving ways made her smile, although she did have to hold back her laughter as he said he was proud of them all, he was proud of she and Temo dancing the horizontal tango? Good lord. Still she managed to contain her mirth and hugged him back when he approached her, her swollen stomach as always getting in the way of things.

"As always it is a pleasure to see you as well Seiryu. We don't often see you about these parts." Just a short statement, she wasn't looking for an excuse or anything about why he never seemed to be around here, it did not bother her overly much. Her smile was widened for Wretch as she shy girl appeared baring a gift for the children as well, with a small amount of difficulty she picked the blanket up and felt it between her paws, it was very soft and would make a good birthing blanket. She nodded her thanks to Wretch as she settled into place. Jace wished that Eclipse could be here but the young girl had explained that she wanted to see the world and had taken off, Jace missed her presence dearly.

Now that there was no one else to speak Jace moved to stand before Rendall and Noah to shower them with her gifts,

"I have not much finery or jewelry to bestow upon the two of you and in any case I expect that is not what you desire. However I can craft things, a gift from my mother to me." It was a pained expression that crossed her face, Jace did not often mention the family that was long dead and buried, she focused on Noah first, "Noah, my brother. We've been through a lot together and you've proven your worth in so many ways and not just to me but countless others as well, Praeas." Her eyes shone as she referred to him by his rank in Phoenix Valley, Praeas; Guardian. Standing agaisnt his own father in an attempt to protect them all had been an act of selfless devotion in Jace's eyes and it had almost cost Noah his life, "Within my birth pack you would have been known as Talak ma Kojeira, or Moon of Honor." An accent peculiar to all those present apart from Temo filled her voice, none of them had ever heard her speak in her native tongue before,

"I present you with this band so that you might show everyone of your courage and strength." It was a necklace that she handed over even though she had referred to it as a band, the string was short so the centerpiece of it would rest close to his neck. Hanging from the rawhide tie was a small circle of carved deer antler. The very shape of it was the mark of the Talak ma Kojeira, a full moon broken only by a small notch at directly north, within the circle of antler she had also carved the symbol of her pack, the circle of god Honrin representing the sun and summer broken only by the wavy lines of goddess Dalgina which represented the sea and also the winter. Together they made the Annak Gonrra, the Shining Light. Only pack members were allowed to wear this emblem so not only was she gifting Noah with a title that was among the most revered she was accepting him into pack Denahlii, small though it may be, making him her true brother of kin and bone and spirit.

She said none of this however, it was better he remain oblivious for now at least until the children were born. Now it was Rendall's turn to fall under the piercing mismatched gaze,

"Rendall, you've made my brother the happiest I've ever seen him. And once upon a time ago you also saved this hybrid's life, without your help I would be dead and my children would have never been conceived. You saved Temo from a life of mourning and emptiness." She sent a smile to the man of her heart, also unsaid she had helped drive Lucifer away from Phoenix Valley for a short time but this was no place to mention the black monster, "We also have a word for people like you as well; Heiylo da Sunkna, Heart of Dreams." As she spoke Jace reached behind her own neck to untie one of her own necklace's, the one with the blue feather attached and the bead work of silver and green. "I hope you will accept this from me as a gift. It once belonged to my sister, my twin who is sadly no longer alive today. I know that she would have no problem with me giving this to you as a representation of the bond that we share, of life and blood." She handed the gift over, feeling the bond she had held with her sister shift into something new. She no longer needed the necklace to remain attached to the woman of her heart and soul, the other half of her for the connection was held within her own heart and her own necklace, two of a pair despite the differences.

Now Jace brought her hands together and to her face, bowing her head down in the traditional Ichikan greeting, welcoming the pair back into the fold with new titles, as the brother and sister of her heart.

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