Marching On. aw

The male watched her, though tried not to stare. She seemed hungry, and so Alder was glad to help provide a pack mate with a meal. He wasn't able to provide much for the Court, outside the realm of horses. He was there at any time for a wolf that needed help in that field, but beyond that he wasn't much of a provider.

She expressed her name, and then assured him that she was only teasing him. He assumed it was the raccoon markings on his face that made her think him a thief, and it made him a bit self-conscious. Alder ran his fingers through his short cut mane and nodded. Yes. I have more practice catching hare then I do larger game. He explained, suddenly wishing that Hawthorn were here to give him a little support. He always felt stronger with the horse around. The wolf tended to be socially awkward.

I'm Alder. Are you new to the Court? His attempted at small talk.


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