
As the New-comer approached, Rendall could already tell that there was something wrong. Her natural instincts kicked in and she turned from angry into subtle indifferent. Business mode. As the bright colored female whined her greeting, the Kenpo couldn't help but think about herself after the monster Lucifer had gotten his dirty pawson her. She still hated herself for leaving Noah and wallowing in her pain and nightmares. This woman was depressed and personally was in no shape to be running borders. Rendall huffed in greeting to her whine, normally she was a fairly jumpy happy person. But with her trying to get her frustration under control it was hard not to say anything that would hurt the female. "So..your the new one. The name is Rendall, whats yours?" .

The woman moved to face her in a way that she was eye to eye to the quiet female. She wanted to meet her packmate face to face. After all, there was something that needed to be done to break the grey haze she seemed to be in."You seem to be down. Lets take a walk." Since the woman took care of the patrol for the moment, she decided to head back towards the cabin. She wandered if Noah was awake yet. She pushed the thought aside and moved from the forest to the open field about a mile or so away from her new found home. There she turned and headed up towards the Vineyard that she had inhabited for a while.."Care to have a drink with me?" She moved to the patio and once she was safe in the shade, she removed the cloak. She didn't feel like explaining her fur to the new one just yet, instead she remained looking like a regular, dark colored timber. Ren sat in the patio shade and waited for the woman to sit down with her.

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