
+400 :o Edit: sorry for the wall-of-text this was originally! Edit 2: and the wall of italics it then became. Sad

It was probably because she'd been spinning about the land like a restless gust of wind, but she hadn't seen much of her packmates since the fight with the Guardians. She especially wondered about the boy - man - whose battle had interlinked with hers on the day. At his age and from a fairly stable environment like this one, he couldn't have lived through many events of that calibre. Death changed everyone, even those who escaped it for the present. She could remember her first kill: and as someone who didn't do it very often, even with prey animals, it was a memory not likely to go away any time soon. She could do damage to plants, though, with impunity - they always came back, and they didn't feel a thing. She broke off another stalk and rattled the seeds into a cotton pillowcase she'd found in the hotel, then heard footsteps behind her. How strange - it was Liam's voice that hailed her. Perhaps her thoughts had turned to him, scenting his approach on a subconscious level, but whatever, it was a good voice to hear. She didn't turn to face him, though, just angling an unreadable look over one shoulder; but even that was enough to study that youthful face - young, but full of vitality and presence. Words were unspoken then, but they could have been. Something about how was he since the fight, or wasn't it nice that they had both made it and here they were. But there was no point saying any of that, because it was obvious.

Overworking himself - a young wolf with most of the energy and strength he might ever have? She doubted it, but it was good he was making himself so useful. She had an easier task for him. It was true that taking rests was part of getting stronger; that was a lesson he would surely learn soon if he hadn't already. "Ah, Liam. Just the wolf I need," she said with what was almost a sly smile, then paused for effect. "You should not be idle for too long. It is vital we gather these seed heads before they moulder." Languidly she waved a poppy husk at him so he would know what she meant. "The seeds are within. You mustn't break them... just hand them to me." She indicated with her eyes the patch of stalks she meant him to pick over, already skilfully tapping out the seeds into her pillowcase. It was good for a wolf to learn delicacy; not all battles were won with fists and teeth. Fighting hunger in the winter was not all physical, but it was just as urgent a mission as fighting an enemy.

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