you're bearing signs on the avenue

I think I beat you at the who-sucks-game. I clearly am supreme suckage. 3+

He had chosen to ignore her final question, leave the dark and sinister air to it hanging in answer. If she came to the Thistle Kingdom without him, then her foolish neck deserved whatever punishment it got. He had voiced his warning, and in a strange bought of generosity had even offered his own personal escort - Something extremely rarely given by the dark and mysterious monarch. Already he had given Sage far greater attention than any other woman of her standing was worth. But truth be known, Sirius had a weakness for the Lykoi girls; They were so beautiful, so blue-blooded and pure. Something about them drew his ravenous hunger to heel, and so in way, they held some strange power over the wicked Thistle King.

He would never admit to such a thing, and even now, was careful to show no sign of true fondness in his sharp, crocodile smile.

Sage's reply to his cheeky inquiry was short, blunt. Amusement spread thickly through him, warming the coldness within his veins. Her soft retort served only to pull a further chuckle from him, a genuinely delighted sound that oozed out like soft caramel. Olive eyes glittered at her, unreadable, terrible. "My, my! Such a sharp tongue on you, my lady!" Black lips quirked up at the corners, arrogantly showing their admiration for her stance. It hadn't occurred to him that Sage might be a fancier of the fairer gender - Homosexuality was not something that Sirius contemplated often, or in much depth. But nor was it a subject he detested. The topic of sexual preference was offered only nonchalant attention, for his own adoration of beauty and power had, on more than one occasion, led Sirius to feel lustful towards other men.

By the large, however, women were far more to his tastes - Women like Clover and Sage. Narrowed pupils hungrily drank in this bolder sister. "I have found many Queens," Swelled the succulent tone, seductive without reason, without intent, "Many, in my lifetime. None that challenged me enough, and so I seek them still," The silver mare shifted her wight beneath him, drawing the intensity of his predatorial gaze away for a moment to still her once more.

Sirius Revlis
Hail the Conqueror Worm
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