Be Not Fearful
derp fail, Jace's moods are eeerrewhere, 3+

Wretch's words made the grumpy wolfdog smile gently, she could never imagine such a declaration would come from the reserved and unsocial child. She resiosted the urge to hug the young woman knowing that such a gesture would probably be unwelcome and would spoil the mood between them.

"Thank you Wretch. I am glad too, I like talking to you." She shook her head as Wretch offered her the bottle of wine "No thank you. I'd prefer to keep all my wits and balance about me until the pups are born." She shrunk back and held her arms out protectively with a good natured laugh as Nayru almost sat down on her,

"Well enough Nayru, and yes still pregnant. Won't be long now I hope." The inebriated leader stumbled off to harass somebody else and Jace stared after her fondly. She turned as Temo appeared at her side, a soft smile parted her lips as his hand slid into hers,

"We're fine. Be better once I can go back to bed." As though to highlight this the shedog yawned. She perked up as Nayru's voice pierced the chattering and noise, proclaiming that everyone should dance and not be unhappy. Surprisingly uplifted by her words, Jace turned to Wretch and grabbed the young girl's hands, pulling her to her feet,

"Dance with me Wretch!" She knew Temo wouldn't mind if she danced for a little while. After she would probably be too tired to do much else other than sit with him and try to stay awake. She gave a small shriek when Razekiel suddenly burst from the bushes with a horrid looking mask on before glaring at him darkly and muttering under her breath. Still her irritability lasted for less than a few seconds and she managed to catch two masks that were thrown and presented one to Wretch. Soon enough they were dancing with the rest of them, Jace pulling along the probably unwilling Wretch with her. Although not drunk herself some of the atmosphere seemed to have sunk into the hybrid and she felt giggy and strange. Finally tossing her head back to howl with them all, thoughts of her sister and mother came to mind and her call became all the more mournful and sad as her mood shifted yet again, trailing off into silence.

She was pensive and thoughtful now as the dancing subsided around her.

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