A friendly welcome


I said, I cannot follow the river

of her myth; but I can

follow her sweet desert song

like a stream through the fiery hills.

Word Count → 221 :: Argh, would've gotten to this sooner but I had table requests. xD Your post was fine, though, and I'm afraid mine is unclear... He managed to bite her, so she's trying to bite his ear now.

If Vesper represented one of the cardinal sins, it would have been pride, and it was evident with the way she carried herself even as she swiftly avoided his jaws. Her tail whisked behind her, its coal tip dancing in the air before sweeping close to her body for safety. She smirked as she heard his paws on the leaves. Balance—she worshipped it almost like a deity. Getting others off balance was one of the ways she was able to actually fight; having to compromise with an injured paw had made her apt at keeping her footing.

She tasted blood as she swept her tongue briefly along her jaws, turning toward him almost expectantly. Perhaps for the pace of battle her movement was languid, but she was on her toes. When he barreled forward, she smirked arrogantly and skipped off to the side; using brutish strength was such a simplistic tactic—but unfortunately, he’d been smart enough to twist as he lunged for her. She danced right into the path of his jaws, and she could feel his teeth scrape her shoulder much in the same way she’d done to him.

Vesper snarled in pain, using the close proximity to try to bite his ear, while the rest of her body attempted to scramble away before he could pin her.

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