[m] Mistress and her prisoner

OOC blah would go here

“Are you going to stop acting like a pup?” The angela's voice resounded down the hallway. Grace stood nearby, ready to help her move the stone out from in front of the secondary leader's den should she be needed. Naniko had enlisted her help because of her large size; between the two of them they had managed to roll the boulder over to block off the entrance completely. Grace had been helping her care for Alaki as well, giving him meat on occasion when the Angela was busy. She couldn't spend all of her time worrying about Alaki, after all; she had better things to do. Adult things. "Well?" She called through the boulder.

She would treat him like a pup if he was going to act like one. "I hope this is a lesson to you, boy" She mumbled at Judas, who sat nearby watching the two adults with curiosity. He had managed to sneak little peeks at them when they had put Alaki in there, and he was wondering what the older male would act like when he got out. Whenever Judas was put in the cage his mind was constantly going; he would seem more calm on the outside when he was let out...but inside, his thoughts were often more tumultuous than ever. Was Alaki like him? Acting calm so he could get his way?

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