dust in the wind
Zana had heard the padding of paws approaching but she hadn't even bothered to turn and investigate just who was joining her. It didn't even matter to her at this moment, she was within her clan's lands and if anyone inside the borders wished her harm then she was in more trouble than she ever thought. Sheknew she shouldn't be so fair foolish but she was feeling a little reckless today. The small woman caught the scent of the other finally, a scent she didn't recognize, but there were many in the lands that she didn't know yet.

It was a few moments before the voice called out and the younger woman turned her head. "Aye, it is. The safest place within the territories I guess.. in a way." She believed that she probably had the safest haven in the clan's lands, but then again who in the world would expect a clan mate to live in the hollow of a tree, but Zana did. High in the branches of an old oak in the center of the Grotto there was the nest of the strange young Lykoi of Inferni.[/html]

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