And then I saw you
.: OOC She'll probably finally start talking to him next post. lol WC 300+ :.

He made just the slightest move and that set the girl in motion. Like liquid snow she spun around and dashed off, retreating quickly through the plain, but there wasn’t any fear as she ran from him, or even when she glanced over her shoulder and saw that he was in pursuit. Instead it was exhilarating, and never for a second did she think the man who followed her had poor intentions. She turned her head forward again so he wouldn’t see her smile and kicked it up a notch, reaching the edge of the clearing and disappearing in the trees. She dove into the protective camouflage cover of a berry bush and all was silent.

Minutes later the girl burst through the foliage, leaves and flower petals exploding out all around her. Four paws hit the ground just a couple feet from Zalen, but they touched down running and she was off, back into the clearing again. Her pink tongue lolled out of the corner of her mouth as she looked back again, surprised to see that at some point he, too, had changed into his Lupus form. He’d been quick on the uptake and his shadowy body worked to catch up with her, she knew he could overtake her soon.

A snort exhaled from her muzzle as she righted herself again, her body jerking as she kicked it into top gear. She sped up for a moment but she couldn’t keep it up at this pace for long, and he was about a nose length from her tail now… and now he was at her flank. Her golden eyes turned towards him with a bright spark of competition, and an open-mouthed smile pulled her muzzle tight.

She faked left, away from him for a half second, and then her paws shoved her to the right. She didn’t care that it would probably send them rolling to the ground; she collided with the stranger and nipped at his ruff, and at the same time a cacophony of laughter exploded from the girl.

Table by the Mentors!

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