And then I saw you
.: WC 300+:.

No part of a true wolf could resist the call, and when Zalen let out his joyful howl her own voice sang out just a moment behind. The wolf-song filled the valley and tumbled upward through the rocky ledges of Halcyon. As if by magic it felt like this place was theirs. The wind, the grass, the rock, and even though bear and deer and all manner of life inhabited this place, it was suddenly upon their shoulders and in their hearts; the legacy of the wolf.

Her playful dodge was in Zalen's favor; she did not notice when he began to falter but just as he had her own shoulder butted up against his and worked like a crutch in his waver. It surprised her so much that she yelped laughter, a constant chime that didn't stop through their entire run except for when their wolfish yips and growls were appropriate. As graceful (if not more so) than her mother, she glided over the landscape with ease, clearing fallen logs and tall rocks with little effort. Her body moved seamlessly over the ground and in harmony with the dark wolf's. Before she knew it they were at the water fall again, and despite herself her own paws had slowed drastically. He was keeping pace with her, though, until they finally reached a lazy lope. She didn't notice the mischievous glint in his eye though until it was too late, and they clashed again.

A squeal of jogged laughter cut through the air as they went tumbling down the embankment. When they bumped against the ground they were in a tangle. One leg over the other, his forepaw up against the back of her head. She twisted her head around to snap playfully at his paw until she caught his gaze and she stopped, coming up nose-to-nose with the stranger.

“Who are you?” she asked as she nudged his neck with her muzzle, taking in his scent. “I feel like I know you.”

Table by the Mentors!

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