the natural flower of duty

OOC here: Table & Coding © Kiki; 516 words
Symera Villisca
and the rat's in the cradle

There was no way that Symera could be spoiled when she had already experienced the harshness of life. She already had to figure out just what it took to survive. Even at such a young age she hadn't had an easy life and she had never been afforded the luxuries to become spoiled. Instead she already had that kill or be killed mindset. Survival was all about doing whatever it took to remain alive and that was what Symera was all to willing to end up doing.

She hadn't called for help because she was stubborn and hard headed. She wasn't the sort to back down from a fight despite any odds against her. And if she were to heed Enkiel's advice then she would always be calling for help since all wolves were destined to be bigger than her. She was a pureblood while most of Inferni was made up of hybrids. Wolves always dwarfed coyotes, and her even more because she retained her runtish qualities still. "Everyone is bigger than me." She remarked simply, reminding the other that her genetic make up would always leave her at a physical disadvantage. There was nothing that she could do about it but to just fight harder and continue to prove herself. She wouldn't let that single set back get her down. And because of that she refused to call for help because she was determined to prove that she wasn't weak or helpless. She hadn't asked to be freed from the trap she had run into but had managed on her own. She hadn't begged Halo to come save her when she had played bait on their hunting excursion but had been willing to stand up to the wolf even should it cost her life.

"Almost." She was only a few days away from when she would become six months old and therefore old enough to shift. It was a time that she couldn't wait for but she was also wary of it since she was uncertain of just what to expect as well. But overall it would prove to be an exciting time since she would finally be able to actually train with Halo. "What are you looking for?" The girl finally posed the question that had been plaguing her mind. He was clearly looking for something in particular if he was sniffing out the way that they should be going. Normally she would hold her tongue and wait it out for the answer to reveal itself but the way he had paused to check the way had brought the question bubbling forth. At first she had thought it was another trap hunt but now that didn't seem to be so. When they had done so the other had kept his attention on the ground rather than lifting his nose to the air as he was doing on this trip. No, he was acting in a manner different than the one of caution and vigilance that had been displayed as they were exposing traps so she had no idea what he was up to now.

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