[M] moonlit ride.
LOL so hyyyper. xD +3

Fern was moving really good. Her body was stretching fluidly, long and thickly muscled legs bunching and flexing with each huge stride. The big mare ate up ground like nothing else and Dixie doubted that any other horse in the pack, besides maybe Rem, could keep up with her. After she had dropped the little twerp named Bark, she had been able to really run again, after such a long time of carrying all of that extra weight around her belly. The mare was happy, her gallop turning into almost a prancing canter, if it was possible. Her huge hooves rose up nearly to her chest before thudding back down to the ground, creating imprints in the grass and dirt with each step.

The sound of another horse nearly had both of the females turning their heads to look around. Fern spotted the trio first and turned in their direction without any prompting from her rider. While anyone else might have thought twice about approaching a total stranger in the darkness of the night, Dixie didn’t think at all. She raised one tiny hand up in the air as a greeting as Fern cantered closer, her ears pricked forward with interest. The other mare that was with the male had a foal, a little filly from the looks of it. They were all three obviously exhausted. The mare was basically dragging her hooves and the filly was walking was short, choppy strides. The man riding though, he was slumped over slightly, his shoulders curled forward and his face void of emotion.

Dixie tugged on Fern’s mane gently, signaling the mare to slow down and stop while they were still about ten feet away. The little female smiled widely and waved again with a lot of enthusiasm. Well hi there! Didn’t expect to see anyone else out here on this fine evenin’. My name is Dixie-may, and this here is Fern…you are lookin’ mighty tired there, Mister…

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