[M]sidestep insanity
OOC: ^ ^ yes...it is short. My apologies! Sorry for my wonky table...I really need better ones!

[html]The man didn't hear the sounds of someone falling from a great height, but when he heard the footsteps he turned and found himself looking into the sapphire eyes of another man. Aleo looked up when a grey figure stood before him, his charcoal hands put down the bottle and the man found himself standing. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the stranger for a moment, studying his posture and stance for any remote sign of aggression. The man decided that the man was just dominant, the corners of his lips pulled back in a small half smile. Aleo wasn't always one for witty or good introductions and he simply stated "I'm Aleo. I guess it's safe to say that I'm not from around here." the black male didn't exactly know how to be 'social' as he had next to no real friends. Aleo sat back down on the ground and made a gesture with his muzzle for the man to sit down. He smirked and reached into his bag. He pulled a small bottle of alcohol from his bag and held it out. "Y' want one? I've actually got a couple more" He took his up again and brought the bottle to his snout and drank the fiery liquid. Well, so far so good.

Aleo found himself wanting to make conversation, to talk to the stranger. "How long have you been in Nova Scotia? I just got here not a week ago." The man had wandered around for a while and tended to hang around Ichika. Maybe some day he would be a part of them. The man before him looked somewhat like himself, except the stranger had a lighter fur color, but other than that, not many differences. Aleo was almost as scarred as the wolf was, maybe from fights or just mishaps. His head was swirling and he found Nova Scotia after he had left Germany not a month ago. His past was bad, he still couldn't fight the memories of the massacre of his family. He had watched his sister die and be tortured. Aleo had found that te alcohol (temporarily) drowned the memories and guilt, but right now was just a leisurely drinking fest. Maybe the male would enjoy it with him.

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