A bored afternoon

Again, notepad..but atleast 500 words^^ don’t mind the grammar >>; 501

He couldn’t help feel a little bit disapointed, but he also knew that he couldn’t really ask too much of the other. The fact that he at all had offered was a gesture of good will and Des didn’t make less of it. This war didn’t affect him that much, he had no relations to the coyotes, he had never even met one. But if his pack felt threatened by them, he would stand by them and defend them with all the power that he posessed. But he still hadn’t forged a strong bond with them, so if the whole ordeal dragged out, he wasn’t sure he would stay. He didn’t care too much about cleaning up others mess.

Heh, it’s not a problem, but I’m glad you show such initiative. he smiled and tilted his head. At least he had asked.

The question he dreaded the most was asked, he hid the shivers that ran down his spines. What should he say? How should he say it? No matter how the words played out in his head, they didn’t get any better. His eyes flickered, he hadn’t told anyone this.

You ask a difficult question… He looked at Skoll without really knowing what his next words would be. I’m from an old artic pack known as the Aquilo, a couple of years ago the weather started to change, it got colder, and eventhough we were used to the hardship of the cold, this was much worse than we had ever experienced. He paused, a bit confused over how easily the words came out of his mouth. Many of us fell ill, and the Alphas didn’t want to abandone anyone, so we stayed, tried to ride it out, we didn’t want to leave our forefathers land. In the end, there were only four of us left; myself, a younger male and two females. We decided to do what we had dreaded all along, we left our territory. memories of his past flashed before his eyes. The younger male died, even though we had a young herbalist with us, there was nothing more she could do for him. I don’t remember why, but I and the older female decided to go and get food, the younger had no hunting skill and would only be a burden… she had been a kind creature, his memory of her was blurred, but he still remembered her emerald eyes. While hunting, I lost my grip and fell down a cliff, when I woke up I was alone. I don’t know where the others were and so I’ve been searching for them for about two years now. He decorated the truth a little, no point in telling him that Kirin pushed him. No point in telling Skoll that he had searched for Kirin for two years to revenge her betrayal. The little voice in Desaevio’s head had won a great battle this day, the angry spark had set it’s roots once again.

Pretty boring..huh? What about you?


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