And then I saw you
.: WC 300+ :.

Titania stared at the apparition openly, enraptured. It was no fairy after all, but some wolfess whose body had long ago left this world. Her eyes drank in the vision as the spirit gazed upon them with her ethereal eyes. Then the ghost moved forward, emerging from the protective shroud of the waterfall and out into the open, suspended mystically over the pool. Only when the mark upon her eye became visible did Titania shift her vision to Zalen, looking at the red mark he bore about his left eye. Her eyes widened and she quickly turned back to the phantom. She saw the thing preparing to speak and straightened at attention, her ears cupped forward eagerly awaiting what this ghost had to say. And then she spoke, and the words and the sound were beautiful and puzzling all at once.

For a moment she thought she felt the thing’s power mounting, and just then it broke. There was a great rush and then the spirit’s countenance broke. She tried to watch each fleck of essence as it spread out over the pool, a sensation of peace washing over her as each sliver disappeared into the pond. When every last trace of the spirit was gone her amber eyes turned back to Zalen, completely awestruck.

“Wha-“ she almost asked but he was a step ahead of her, explaining the ghost before she could question. She blinked once, glancing at the lake as though she would reappear before looking at Zalen again.

“And does your grandmother’s ghost talk to you every day?” She was truly curious, for he was strangely calm for someone who’d just been visited by a dead relative. Was he like her? Did he see something more in this world than everyone else saw? “What did she mean, ‘don’t be afraid of this’? Your leadership? What?” She cocked her head, truly befuddled by the ghost’s prophecy.

Table by the Mentors!

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