And then I saw you
.: WC 500+ :.

So this really was an enchanted place. A place where love blossomed eternal, where the moon linked wandering souls together, and where old spirits had the strength and will to bring themselves to light. The spirit had showed herself not only to her relative but to the girl she had never met, who she (presumably) didn't know. Titania thought about what Zalen said earlier, that they ran together in the stars before the earth was created, and she wondered if they had known his ancestor then, too. Suddenly she realized just how special the vision had been.

“I didn't think there was anyone else who saw spirits. I've talked to sprites since I was young but I'm pretty sure my family thinks I'm just crazy. Then again, my dad thinks he sees my dead brother's ghost.” She looked over the water. “He's never told me that but I've picked up on a few things he and my mother have said. I think.... I'm going to start believing in him.” Her voice trailed off for a moment as her thoughts returned to her family, but soon she was back in the moment and turned her attention to Zalen once again.

“How amazing is it that she came to us!” The moment she said it she looked guilty. “I mean... to you.” But she couldn't help but feel like the appearance of the ghost had something to do with her, too. She searched Zalen's face, watching the cloudy emotions that flexed within his eyes as he pondered Ruby's message. Her ears perked in excitement when it seemed he had figured it out.

She listened intently, rapt. He was right, one of the most alluring features about this place was that it was pure, wild, untouched by the horrendous things humans had once built. It felt more like home than the buildings and constructs in Cercatori d'Arte ever had, and she'd only been here for a short while. There was a dream budding here, infantile, and it needed nurturing. Only the right spirits would be able to succeed. But one Luperci alone was not a whole spirit, there was always something amiss... and perhaps that is why the couple found each other that day. Here, with Zalen, there was a richness to her soul that she had never known before.

He took her off guard. As his words drew to a close she stood up, surprised, and stared at him for a fraction of a second before her astonished expression was overcome with light. She almost didn't know what to say, how to respond, how to put how she felt into words... and then it came to her. Before it could seem like she was hesitating, Titania threw her head back and howled her joy to the sky, to the sparse clouds, to the sun, and to the stars and moon that hid behind the daylight.

Once her song trailed off, she dropped her gaze to Zalen. “Yes!” Her tail wagged furiously and she buried her muzzle in his fur, licking his cheek, his neck, his forehead, his muzzle. “I want to be with you. I want to stay with you here. I'll be by your side and we will run in this land together. Until there is no more land and the heavens are our playground once again.”

Table by the Mentors!

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