sometimes you forget where the heart is

Yesss. <3 This works for me. C; And yaaaaaaaay. <3 You are awesome? Eris will put them in the garden. o: SL should have a rituallalalal of these soon. X3

Eris is by Poppz!

There was a coyote delicateness of form in Clover -- Eris found it pleasing, and was perhaps just slightly jealous of her distant relative. The dark woman could not have said what blood she shared through the Lykoi clan and how distantly they were related. These things mattered little in any case -- in the face of Salsola's familial tie, blood relations weren't quite so important. As those slight coyote features seemed to droop in respect, the hybrid beamed, returning their brief custom with a smile across her dark muzzle.

The sable-hued hybrid stepped back from her Associate once greeted, though she remained in close proximity; there was nothing wrong with physical closeness between those of the family. She listened intently as the woman elaborated on her plans, though Eris would not have been rankled by them, save for the most egregious breech of conduct. Eris was already plotting to accompany the rusty-hued woman, regardless of her intent. It was good to build rapport with the members of one's pack, she knew, and it was one of her few viable skills.

I would like to accompany you, if you'd have me, the coyote asked, smiling demurely, though she knew the answer was as apt to be "no" as the sun was to fail to set. I had no plans, just a small want to spend time with my family, she added, rolling a shoulder in a slight shrug. I'd be interested to see your plants, anyway -- what do you have, now? she asked, coal ears upturned in interest. Her Salsola had taken quite well to gardening and cultivating, though they'd had quite the late start this year. Next year would be bountiful, she knew. This winter was looking to be lean on plant supplies, but spring would come, and with it, they could renew their stores and create new ones.

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