Bittersweet Symphony

Sorry this is so late! Internet died on me. LOL ↔ 359 words

Liam sneezed as he moved a few items and dust raised from its resting place, filling his nostrils. “Urck.” he said under his breath. He had made more room for his large frame to approach Jackson and the box though, ready for the black and white male to open it and reveal its contents. If it was food, Liam knew it would probably have smelt bad, even if it was contained in the box. He dropped that idea from his mind. Weapons? Still a possibility. If Liam had to pick what he wanted to find inside the box however, it would be those medical supplies he'd come here for. “The suspense is killing me, open it already!” Liam laughed as he surveyed Jackson with an amused look on his furry brown face, bi-colored eyes glinting in excitement.

The first time it didn't work. Liam relaxed a moment only to tense up again at Jackson's second attempt. The whack probably did the trick because Liam found his excitement and curiosity at an all time high, eyes watching carefully as the lid raised and he finally discovered what was inside. He was caught very much off-guard, staring curiously down at the items. What were they exactly?

Liam looked oddly astonished by the toys. He moved over to sniff the one Jackson had held up. It only smelt like rusty metal and that odd moldy smell of confinement. “What kind of monster is that?” he asked as he grabbed another one of the toy cars and held it up so that he could take a better look at it. He mistook the four wheels for legs and the headlights as eyes – in his mind, this was a replica the humans had made to represent some large, beastly creature. He wondered why they'd used metal though and not the squishy, fake animals that was still circulating around the packs – Liam had seen a few plushie animals in the past and he was comparing these metallic toys to them. “They come in a lot of colors.” he muttered thoughtfully. Probably like wolves could be all kinds of colors.

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Table by Kit.

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