Run like the wind
Sorry bout the wait! And Zalen calls humans humes just fyi.

While the male continued to look quite miffed as he contemplated Zalen’s words soon the black wolf could see him relax and he thanked him for his offer to show him the area. Zalen nodded, knowing that it must have been an awkward position he had put him in. Konstantin then spoke again of Saxif, how he had met her a week or so ago and how the wolves in the area had seemed much more friendly then he was accustomed to.

Zalen sat and nodded again, I agree. When I first came here four moon turns ago I was also taken aback by how… hume the Luperci here acted. Sufficed to say I have yet to get used to it… nor do I wish to. This is why I have no joined a pack here and tend to keep to myself. He realized how sad it sounded, but it was the truth. Zalen knew he would not find happiness in the packs here; they lived in hume dwellings, the wore hume clothing, they fought and talked and ate and acted like humes. Zalen was a wolf, and he would live like one. That was what he had been doing in the mountains, when he Titania, finding a place where he could be true to his nature once more.

Zalen looked back up from his thoughts to Konstantin, wondering if this wolf, like Titania and Shandom, felt the same way. He wouldn’t just outright ask, afraid he might offend, but his Konstantin gave him some sign that this was his view as well, then Zalen would offer to have him join him and the others when they left to the north.

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